The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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Purpose: Instructs DOS to re-route a disk request for a specific drive to
another drive.
Syntax: [d:]ASSIGN [x[=]y[...]]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
x to specify the current drive to which requests are sent.
y to specify the drive letter to which you now want disk requests
to be sent.
Example: A>assign b=c means that A>dir b will list the directories of c.
Note: If this command is entered without parameters the system will
use the normal drive assignments.
Purpose: Allows you to set or reset the archive bit and the Read-Only file
attribute, or to display the current setting of those attributes.
Syntax: [d:]ATTRIB [+R][-R][+A][-A] [d:][path]filename[.ext]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
+R to set the file's read attribute to read-only.
-R to turn off the file's read-only attribute.
+A to turn on the file's archive bit.
-A to turn off the file's archive bit.
[d:][path]filename[.ext] to specify the file for which you want to
change the attribute. Wildcard characters are allowed.
Examples: See the format prompt.
The following are examples.
A>ATTRIB +r -a file1.ext
This command sets the file attributes to read-only and resets the
archive bit.
A>ATTRIB file.exp
This command displays the current attribute settings eg.
R A:\file.exp
NOTE: Changing the archive bit affects BACKUP /M and XCOPY /M. If the
bit is set the file is copied; if the archive bit is reset it is
Purpose: Backs up one or more files from one disk to another.
The drive specifiers of the disks must be different.
Syntax: [d:]BACKUP d:[path][filename[.ext]] d:[/S][/M][/A][/D:mm-dd-yy]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
d:[path][filename[.ext]] specifies the source files to be backed up.
d: specifies the target drive.
/S to backup subdirectories in addition to those specified.
/M to backup files modified since the last backup.
/A to add the files to those already on the backup disk.
/D:mm-dd-yy to backup files modified on or after this date.
Example: see syntax prompt.
This switch adds the backup files to a diskette that has already been used in a
backup operation.
WARNING: If this switch is not used all files on the diskette are erased before
the new files are written to the diskette.
syntax /D:month(1-12)-day(1-31)-year(80-99)
This switch enables you to backup files modified on or after a certain
date. The date syntax is the same as for the DATE command.
For example
A>BACKUP C: A:/D:12-25-82
This command will backup all of the files modified on or after
christmas day 1982.
This switch backs up all files matching the file specification that have been
modified since the last backup was performed.
Use this parameter to avoid backing up files that never change.
DOS can recognise these files because of an indicator in each file's
directory entry that is set by DOS whenever a file is written to.
This switch will cause the files in the specified directory and all of the
subdirectories to be backed up.
Without this /S switch only the files in the specified directory will be backed
The following are examples.
A>backup C: B:/S
This command backs up all files, starting with the working directory
of C:, and all subdirectories to the diskette in drive B:.
C>backup \EXAMPLE A:
This command backs up all files in the EXAMPLE directory of the fixed
disk drive to the diskette in drive A:.
C>backup \EXAMPLES\*.DBF A:
This command backs up all files in the EXAMPLE directory of the fixed
disk drive with a extension of DBF.
Purpose: Allows you to instruct DOS to check for control break whenever
a program requests DOS to perform any functions.
Syntax: BREAK = [ON | OFF ]
Comments: The default value is set at BREAK = OFF. This means that DOS checks
for Ctrl-Break being entered only during:
* Standard input/output operations.
* Standard print operations.
* Standard auxiliary operations.
If you want DOS to check for Ctrl-Break whenever it is requested,
set BREAK = ON.
This allows you to break out of a program that produces little or no
standard device operations (such as a compiler ).
Note: Typing BREAK without parameters will display the current state.
These commands can be used inside a batch file.
ECHO To turn echo on or off.
FOR To repeat a command for several variables.
GOTO To redirect the command to a label.
IF To execute commands depending on a condition.
PAUSE To suspend execution of batch file.
REM To display comments during batch file execution.
SHIFT To access more than 10 parameters.
Purpose: To set the number of disk buffers allocated in memory at startup.
Syntax: BUFFERS = x
Comments: The x is a number between 1 and 99 and specifies the number of
disk buffers allocated by DOS in memory when it starts. The
default value is 2,(3 for the AT) and x will remain in effect
until DOS is restarted.
Increasing the number of buffers can reduce in some circumstances
the time DOS takes to read a record from disk; DOS will see if
the record is already in the buffer.
Syntax: DEBUG [d:][path][filename[.ext]] [param1] [param2]
Purpose: To help find bugs in a program.
Comments: This program will allow you to test your program under a controlled
environment where you can monitor progress and change variables and
the program without the need to reassemble.
You can also load, alter or display a file.
If no filename is given you must use the current memory contents or
the NAME and LOAD commands to load a file into memory.
The parameters are for use by the program being tested.
for example DEBUG DISKCOPY A: B:
BREAK Turns extended ^break check on or off.
BUFFERS To change number of disk buffers.
COUNTRY To specify date/time format for a country. DOS 3.20
DEVICE To tell DOS to load device driver.
FCBS To set number of open control blocks. DOS 3.20
FILES To specify number of files open at one time.
LASTDRIVE To set maximum number of drives. DOS 3.20
SHELL To specify alternative command processor.
Purpose: To change the working directory of the specified or default
drive, or to display the current working directory.
Syntax: CHDIR [[d:]path] or CD [[d:]path]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:] to specify the drive specifier of the disk whose current
working directory you want to change or display.
[path] to specify the desired directory pathname. MAX 63 characters.
Type CD with no parameters to display the current working directory.
Example: A>cd \ changes the current working directory of the default drive
to its root directory. See syntax prompt.
Note: CD .. is a shorthand notation for the parent directory.
The following are examples.
A>CD ..
This command will change the directory to the parent of the current
This command will change the directory to CURRENT, where CURRENT
must be in the current directory.
This command will display your current working directory.
A> CD \
This command will change the directory to the root directory.
Purpose: Analyses the directories, files,and the File Allocation Table on the
designated or default drive and produces a disk and memory status
Syntax: [d:]CHKDSK [d:][path][filename[.ext]][/F][/V]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] to specify the filename.If you specify
the file name,CHKDSK displays the number of non-contiguous areas
that this file occupies.
/F to have CHKDSK fix errors that are found in the directory or File
Allocation Table. If /F is not specified, CHKDSK prepares to
correct the disk and reports errors so that you can analyse the
possible results, but does not make the corrections.
/V to display progress file by file via the screen.
Examples: see syntax prompt.
Some errors found in the directory structure will be corrected and others
will be reported and corrected with a Y response to a prompt. If /F is not
specified the errors will still be reported but no corrections will be made.
If CHKDSK finds lost allocation units on the disk, it asks if you wish to
recover the lost data into files. If you say yes and /F has been chosen then
CHKDSK recovers each lost chain into a file of the form:
FILEnnnn.CHK where nnnn is a sequential number starting at 0000.
In DOS 3.2 the file does not have to be in the working directory.
If this option is chosen then the file must reside in the current working
directory. The number of non-contiguous areas occupied by the file will be
This command can be used to check for badly fragmented disks which can badly
impair system performance.
eg. CHKDSK *.*
More detailed messages including messages about hidden files are displayed
indicating how CHKDSK is progressing.
For example the filename and its path are displayed while the directory is
being checked.
The following are examples.
This command will check the diskette in drive B and will display
messages while it is running.
This command will check the files on drive B (beginning with TEST ),
for contiguous blocks.
Purpose: Clears the display.
Syntax: CLS
Comments: This command clears the display on the standard output device.
If screen attributes have been selected using the Extended Screen
and keyboard control functions the attributes remain unchanged.
The following are examples
A>COMMAND /c dir b:
This command loads a new command processor which executes DIR B: before
returning to the primary command processor.
The secondary copy inherits the environment of the first copy but
when it returns control to the primary any changes made during its
lifetime are ignored.
If /P and /C are used together /P is ignored.
Syntax: COMMAND [d:][path][/P][/C string][/E:xxxxx]
Comments: specify the parameters.
[d:][path] is the drive and path DOS will search first for the
COMMAND.COM file. If not found it searches the path from your
current environment.
[/P] causes the copy of the command processor to become permanent
in memory.
[/C string ] allows you to pass a string and then exit to the
primary command processor on completion.
[string] is a command you want to pass to the command processor.
[/E:xxxxx] is a base 10 integer that allows you to set the size
of the environment.
Examples: see syntax prompt.
Purpose: Compares the contents of the first set of specified files to the
contents of the second set of files.
Syntax: [d:]COMP [d:][path][filename[.ext]] [d:][path][filename[.ext]]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] to specify the first set of file names
that you want to compare.
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] to specify the second set of file names
that you want to compare.
The files are compared byte by byte and mis-matches are displayed
in an error message.
Notes: The files can be on the same or different drives.
Wildcard characters are allowed in the filename.
If parameters are missing you are prompted for them.
Example: see syntax prompt.
The following are examples.
This command will compare each file on drive A with the extension BAS
with the files on drive B with the same name and extension BAK.
This command will compare all files in directory ONE in the current
directory with all files in directory TWO with the same name.
Error messages are of the form:
Compare error at offset 2B
File1 = 36
File2 = 40
Purpose: Copies one or more files to the specified disk, or transfers
data between drives.
Syntax: COPY [/A][/B][d:][source] [/A][/B][d:][target][/A][/B][/V]
Comments: The first file specified is the source file.The second file specified
is the target file. If the second parameter is a directory the files
are copied without changing their names.
The second file can be given a different name and if the directories
are the same it must be.
To concatenate add a + between two or more source paths.
/A will copy as an ASCII file ie. upto the first EOF.
/B will copy the entire file based on the directory size.
/V will verify the copy ....this slows the command down.
Examples: see syntax prompt.
When used with sourcespec:
/A Causes the file to be treated as an ASCII (text) file. The file
is copied up to but not including the first End Of File.
/B Causes the entire file to be copied.
When used with targetspec.
/A Causes an EOF character (Ctrl-Z) to be added to the file.
/B Causes no EOF to be added.
Option 1: Copy with same name.
COPY [d:][path]filename[.ext] d:[path]
In this case the target must be on a different drive or in a
different directory.
Option 2: Copy with different name.
COPY [d:][path]filename[.ext] d:[path]newfilename[.ext]
Option 3: Copy and combine files.
COPY [d:][path]filename[.ext][/A][/B] [+[d:][path]filename[.ext]
[/A][/B]...] [d:][path]filename[.ext]][/A][/B][/V]
eg. A>copy a.xyz+b.abc bigfile.txt
The following are examples.
This command copies TEST.BAS from drive B to default drive A.
A>COPY *.* B:
This command copies all files from drive A to drive B with no name changes.
This command appends B.BAS to the end of A.BAS and puts the result in A.BAS.
This command allows you to direct keyboard input into a file. F6 will
write what you have typed in into the file.
Purpose: Use to specify the date and time format for a given country. Other
information, such as the currency symbol and the decimal separator
are also set using this command.
Note: COUNTRY does not translate text.
Syntax: COUNTRY = xxx
Purpose: xxx is the 3-digit international country code for the telephone
system. The default value is the U.S. code of 001. The countries
are listed in the manual. If your country is not listed choose
the most similar country supported.
Purpose: To change the standard input /output device to an auxillary
device, or restores the keyboard and screen as the standard
input and output devices.
Syntax: CTTY device-name.
Comments: Specify device-name as:
AUX OR COM Primary asynchronous communications port.
COM2 Secondary communications port.
CON Keyboard input and screen output.
CTTY accepts the name of any character-oriented device to allow
you to install your own device drivers. The device must be capable
of input and output, ie not a printer.
Examples: A>CTTY aux swops to the auxillary device for input/output.
A>CTTY con swops back.
Comments: Specify AUX, COM1, or COM2 to use that device as the primary
Specify CON to reset the primary standard input and output
devices to the primary console.
Purpose: To enter or change the date known to DOS. The date is recorded when
you create or change a file.
Syntax: [mm-dd-yy] | [dd-mm-yy] | [yy-mm-dd]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
mm to specify the month. Type 1 or 2 numbers from 1 to 12.
dd to specify the day. Type 1 or 2 numbers from 1 to 31.
yy to specify the year. Type 2 numbers between 80 and 99 or 4
numbers between 1980 and 1999.
Note: Entering DATE without parameters cause DOS to prompt for them
Current date is day dd-mm-yy
Enter new date (dd-mm-yy):_
Purpose: To delete specified files from a disk.
Syntax: [d:]filename[.ext]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:] to specify the drive that contains the file to be deleted.
[path] to specify the directory path that contains the file that you
want to delete.
filename[.ext] to specify the name of the file you want to be deleted.
Wildcard specifications are allowed.
Note: If no file is given but a path is, *.* is assumed.
Examples: A>ERASE b:file.bat this deletes file.bat on drive B.
The following are examples.
This command will delete all files on drive A with the extension BAS.
A>ERASE \*.*
This command will delete all files in the root directory, but first
the prompt
Are you sure (Y/N)?
will be displayed. Only Y as a response will continue the command.
This command will delete JOHN from the directory PEOPLE in the root
Purpose: To allow you to direct DOS to load an additional file containing
a device driver.
Syntax: DEVICE = [d:][path]filename[.ext]
Comments: During startup, DOS loads the file into memory and gives it control
This is placed in the CONFIG.SYS file and loads the extended
screen and keyboard controls.
Purpose: To list either all the directory entries,or only those for specified
Syntax: DIR [d:][path][filename[.ext]][/P][/W]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:][path][filename[.ext]] to specify the file's you want to list.
/P to pause the display when the screen is full.
/W to display the directory 4 wide.
Notes: If no parameters are given, all entries in the working directory
of the default drive are listed.
If a full file specification is given, only the file with that name
and extension will be listed.
Examples: see syntax prompt.
The following are examples.
This command will list the current directory across the screen.
A>DIR .. /P
This command will list the parent directory pausing when the screen is
This command will print the directory on B sorted.
Purpose: Compares the contents of the diskette in the first specified drive
to the contents of the diskette in the second specified drive.
Syntax: [d:]DISKCOMP [d: [d:]][/1][/8]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:] specifies the source drive.
[d:] specifies the target drive.
/1 compares only the first sides of the diskette.
/8 compares only 8 sectors per track.
Notes: Not for use with fixed disks.
If the drives are the same, are omitted or only the default
drive is specified a single drive comparison is performed.
Purpose: To copy the contents of one diskette to another, the target
diskette being FORMATTED where necessary.
NOTE: This command is used only for copying diskettes.
Syntax: [d:]DISKCOPY [d: [d:]][/1]
Comments: Speciy the parameters:
[d:] specifies the source drive.
[d:] specifies the target drive.
/1 copies only the first side of the diskette, regardless of the
diskette or drive type.
Notes: If your diskette is fragmented use the COPY command.
You can specify the same drive, in which case a one-drive copy
operation is performed.
If both drives are omitted a one-drive copy is performed on the
default drive.
Examples: See format prompt.
The following is an example:
The screen displays:
Insert source diskette in drive A:
Insert source diskette in drive B:
Strike any key when ready..
This will copy the diskette in drive A to the diskette in drive B.
Purpose: To turn the BATCH ECHO feature ON or OFF.
It does not interfere with messages produced while the commands
are executing.
Comments: Batch commands are normally displayed on the screen as they are read
from the batch file. ECHO is ON after power-on or system reset. ECHO
ON displays all the commands on the standard output device as they
are executed. ECHO OFF stops the display of commands on the screen
( including the REM command).
ECHO MESSAGE displays MESSAGE on the standard output device
regardless of the current ON or OFF state.
If the command is entered without parameters the current status
is displayed.
Purpose: To create or edit an ASCII file.
Syntax: [d:]EDLIN [d:][path]filename[.ext][/B]
Comments: This is a line text editor that can be used to:
* Create new text files.
* Update text files and create a backup copy of the original.
* Delete, insert or display lines of text from the file.
Each line can be of variable length of up to 253 characters.
The /B switch allows files containing embedded ^Z characters to be
Purpose: Converts .EXE files to .COM or .BIN files.
Syntax: [d:]EXE2BIN [d:][path]filename[.ext] [d:][path][filename[.ext]]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:][path]filename[.ext] to specify the input file.
If you do not specify:
[d:] the default drive is assumed.
[path] the current working directory is assumed.
[.ext] .EXE is assumed as an extension.
[d:][path]filename[.ext] to specify the output file.
If you do not specify:
[d:] the drive of the input file is assumed.
[path] the current working directory is assumed.
[.ext] .BIN is assumed as an extension.
Examples: See format prompt.
The following are examples.
This command will convert NVS.EXE on the default drive A to a file
called NVSQREF.COM on drive B.
This command will convert NVS.EXE on the default drive B to NVS.BIN
on the same drive.
By including this in the command DOS will take input from a file
instead of the screen.
For example.
This command will sort the file FILE.TST and send the sorted output
to the printer.
Purpose: Allows you to specify the number of file control blocks( FCBs)
that DOS can have open at anyone time.
Syntax: FCBS = m,n
Comments: The m specifies the total number of files opened by FCBs that can
be open at any one time. The range of values for m is from 1
to 255, with a default of 4.
The n specifies the number of files opened by FCBs that cannot be
closed automatically by DOS if a program tries to have more than
m files opened by FCBs at one time. The first n files are protected
from being closed, where n can be between 0 and 255 and 0 is the
Note: This command does not apply if filesharing is not loaded.
See Chapter on "Preparing Your Fixed Disk." in your DOS manual.
Purpose: To specify the maximum number of files that can be simultaneously
open at any one time.
Syntax: FILES = x
Comments: The x can be a number between 8 and 255. The default value is
FILES = 8.
A file name consists of upto eight characters plus an extension of upto
three characters.
The following are valid characters
A-Z in upper and lower case.
$ () & ' _ @ # {} % ~ ! -
The * and ? characters can be used as wild cards.
For examples *.LST means any file with extension LST.
?HREE.BAS means any file ending in HREE.BAS.
Purpose: To search for a string of text in the specified file names,
sending the lines containing a match to the standard output
Syntax: [d:]FIND [/V][/C][/N]"string" [[d:][path]filename[.ext]..]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
/V to display all lines not containing the specified string.
/C to display the number of lines containing the string in each
of the files. If specified with /N, /N is ignored.
/N to display the relative line number of each matching line followed
by the line of text.
Notes: Enclose the string in double quotes(").
Wildcard characters are not allowed.
The file is searched upto the first EOF (Ctrl-Z).
Examples: See format prompt.
The following is an example.
A>FIND "Fool's Paradise" book1.txt book2.txt
This command displays all lines from the files book1.txt and book2.txt ( In
that order) that contain the string "Fool's Paradise".
Purpose: Allows you to repeat a command for several variables.
Syntax: FOR %% variable IN (set) DO command
Comments: The %% variable is sequentially set to each member of set and then
the command is executed. If the wildcard characters * and ? are used
in SET, the variable is set to each matching filename from the disk.
Path names are allowed in set.
Note: %% is only required in BATCH files. To type the FOR
command at the DOS prompt, only include one %.
Example: A>for %%h in (file1,file2) do dir %%h
This will display one directory listing for file1, followed
by a listing for file2.
Purpose: Initialises the disk in the designated drive to a recording format
acceptable to DOS; analyses the entire disk for defective tracks;
and prepares the disk by initializing the directory, FAT and loader.
Syntax: [d:]FORMAT [d:][/S][/1][/8][/V][/B][/4]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:] to specify the drive that contains the disk you want to format.
/S to copy the operating system files from the DOS diskette.
/1 to format the diskette for single sided use.
/8 to format a diskette for 8 sectors per track.
(Format always physically formats 9/15 sectors per track, but
instructs DOS to use only 8.)
/V to display the volume prompt for you to name the diskette
or partition. This is RECOMMENDED.
/B to format for 8 sectors per track, leaving space for IBMBIO.COM
/4 to format a double-sided diskette in a high-capacity drive.(3.2)
Note: /B can not be used with /V or /S.
Examples: see syntax prompt.
Use for double-sided diskettes to be formatted for single-sided use
on a single or double-sided drive.
This is for use with DOS 3.20 to allow you to use a double-sided diskette
in high capacity drives.
Formats the disk with eight sectors per track. You can put the system files
on the diskette with the SYS command, but you can only put version 2 of DOS
on a diskette formatted with the /8 switch.
This switch prevents the system modules and command processor being
placed on the diskette but leaves room for them to be put on by the
SYS command.
This switch is used to put IBMBIO.COM, IBMDOS.COM and COMMAND.COM onto
the diskette. If a system diskette is not in the default drive you will
be prompted for it.
This command is recommended so that each diskette can be uniquely
The following is an example.
This command formats the diskette in drive B and copies the system files
on to the diskette.
FORMAT will prompt you to insert a diskette in drive B.
Once completed it will give you a disk status report.
Purpose: Transfers control to the line following the one containing the
appropriate label. A label is inserted in a batch file as a colon(:)
followed by the label name.
Syntax: GOTO label
Comments: If :label is not defined, the current batch file terminates with
the message LABEL NOT FOUND. A label can have upto 8 significant
characters ( a period (.) can not be used ).
Example: eg :foo
REM looping
GOTO foo
The lines REM looping ,and GOTO foo will be repeatedly
Purpose: Loads a table of additional character data for the color/graphics
adapter into memory.
Syntax: [d:]GRAFTABL
Comments: Specify the parameters.
[d:][path] before GRAFTABL to specify the drive and path that
contains the GRAFTABL command file.
Use this command for foreign language characters.
Use this command only once.
Once used the system will support ASCII characters 128 through
255 in the graphics mode on the graphics adaptor.
Purpose: To print a graphics display on a compatible printer.
Syntax: [d:]GRAPHICS [printer type][/R][/B]
Comments: Specify the parameters.
[printer type] color1 - color printer/ black ribbon.
color4 - color printer/ RGB ribbon.
color8 - color printer/ CMY ribbon.
compact - compact printer.
graphics - graphics printer ( default ).
/R prints white on black.
/B prints the background color. (color4 and color8 only).
Examples: A>GRAPHICS color8 /b /r
This will print the screen contents on a color8 printer, printing
the background colors and black as black.
Purpose: To execute commands depending on a certain condition.
Syntax: IF [NOT] conditional command
Comments: The condition parameter is one of the following:
ERRORLEVEL number ie if the previous program had an exit code of
number or higher.
string1==string2 eg IF %1 == file.1 ECHO file was file.1
EXIST filespec ie if file.1 exists eg IF file.1 DEL file.1
Purpose: Logically connects a drive to a directory on another drive to produce
a single directory structure from two separate directories.
Syntax: [d:]JOIN or [d:]JOIN d: d:\directory or
[d:]JOIN d: /D
Comments: Specify the parameters.
d: specify the drive to be connected to a directory on another drive.
d:\directory to specify the directory that you will join the drive to.
The directory must be at the root and only one level deep.
If the directory does not exist it will be created.
/D disconnects a join.
Examples: see syntax prompt.
The following are examples.
This will display the drives and directories currently joined, eg.
A: => c:\LEVEL1
B>JOIN a: c:\drivea
This will join drive A to the path C:\LEVEL1 so that it looks like
| | |
NOTE: Once done B>dir a: will be invalid.
Purpose: Sets the maximum number of drives that you may access.
Syntax: LASTDRIVE = x.
Comments: The x can be any alphabetic character A through Z. It represents
the last valid drive letter that DOS may accept. The default value
The minimum number is the number of drives installed.
Example: For a max of 16.
Purpose: To join object files to make an execution file.
Syntax: LINK object list,run file,map file,library list /parameters
Comments: The linker program:
* Combines separately produced object modules to produce a .EXE file.
* Searches library files for definitions of unresolved
external references
* Resolves external cross references
* Produces a text file that shows the resolution of external
references and error messages
Purpose: Sets the way that a printer, a color/Graphics monitor adapter, or
an Asynchronous Communications Adapter works.
Syntax: [d:]MODE LPT#[:][n][,[m][,P]]
[d:][path]MODE n
[d:][path]MODE [n],m[,T]
[d:][path]MODE COMn[:] baud[,[parity][,[databits][,[stopbits][,P]]]]
[d:][path]MODE LPT#[:]=COM n
Comments: See individual prompts for more information.
Purpose: To create a new sub-directory on a specified disk.
Syntax: MKDIR [d:]path or MD [d:]path
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:] to specify the drive letter of the disk on which you want to
create the subdirectory. If omitted the default is assumed.
[path] to specify the path of directory names.
Notes: You can create as many directories and subdirectories as
you wish, limited only by available disk space. However, you
should ensure that the length of any single path ( including
\'s ) from the root directory is no more than 63 characters.
Example: see syntax prompt.
The following are examples.
This command will create a directory on drive C in the root directory
with the name SALARY.
This command will create a directory in the current working directory
on the default drive A, and will name it SALARY.
Purpose: This command is used to set the display width, and to enable/
disable an external monitor.
Syntax: n [,m[,T]] or n [,x]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
n = 40 or 80 will set characters per line leaving the colour alone.
BW40 or BW80 will set the characters per line and a B/W monitor.
CO40 or CO80 will set the characters per line and a color monitor.
MONO switches the active display to monochrome.
m = Shift display right or left (R or L).
T = Request test pattern for alignment.
x = Enable/disable external monitor with I or E.
Including the E switch switches the internal monitor to a lower
resolution for compatibility with RGB scan rates.
Purpose: Initializes the protocol parameters of an asynchronous
communications port.
Syntax: COMn:baud[,[parity],[databits],[stopbits][,P]]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
n = 1st or 2nd Asynchronous communication port.
baud = rate of 110,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800 or 9600 (1st 2 digits).
parity = N for none, O for odd or E for even.
databits = 7 or 8 with 7 as default.
stopbits = 1 or 2. The default is 2 for 110 otherwise 1.
P can only be used for retry on a serial printer.
Purpose: To redirect output for a printer to a communications port.
Syntax: LPT#:=COMn:
Comments: Specify the parameters:
LPT#: = 1 to 3 as a printer number.
COMn: = Asynchronous communications port 1 or 2.
The port must be initialised and the P option used if the port is a printer.
This command can be reversed with MODE LPT#:[n][,m].
Purpose: To configure a printer.
Syntax: LPT#:[n][,[m][,P]]
Comments: specify the parameters:
If n or m are missing or invalid then the mode is left unchanged.
# = 1 to 3 as a printer number.
n = 80 or 132 characters per line.
m = 6 or 8 lines per inch.
P = retry time out errors ( retry only stops after ^BREAK or mode)
Example: MODE lpt2:80,6 or 80 characters per line,6 lines per inch.
Purpose: Reads data from the standard input device, and displays it one screen
at a time; displaying --More-- after each screen.
Syntax: [d:]MORE
Comments: Pressing any key causes another screen of data to be sent to
the standard output device. This process continues until all
input data is read.
Purpose: To search the specified directories to locate batch files
and commands that are not in the working directory.
Syntax: [[d:]path][;][[;[d:]path]..]
Comments: You may specify a list of drives and pathnames,separated by semi-
colons( NOTE the pathnames must be specified in full and will not
default to the current directory).
Typing PATH without parameters displays the current path, while
supplying one semi-colon as a parameter resets the path to null.
A pathname is a sequence of subdirectory names, followed by
a file specification, with a slash between each as a delimeter.
Each full pathname can have up to 63 characters.
If a pathname begins with \ DOS starts its search in the root
. Represents current directory.
.. Represents parent directory.
Purpose: Suspends execution of a batch file and displays the message
Strike a key when ready....
Syntax: PAUSE [ remark ]
Comments: You can insert PAUSE commands within a batch file to display
messages and to give you the opportunity to change diskettes
between commands. To resume execution of the batch file, press any
key except Ctrl-Break.
Purpose: Prints a queue (list) of data files on the printer while processing
other DOS commands.
Syntax: [d:]PRINT [[d:][path][filename[.ext]][/C][/P]..][/T]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:[path][filename[.ext]] to specify the files to be printed.
The following switches apply to the preceding file in the list
and to all following files until a new switch is found.
/T to set the terminate mode - all queued files are cancelled.
/C to set the cancel mode - select which files to cancel.
/P to set the print mode.
Example: see syntax prompt.
WARNING: If printing from diskette do not remove it before the printing
has been completed.
This switch will terminate the preceding and following files on the command
For example.
This command will remove all the files with the extensions ASM and C from
the print queue.
This switch will turn the print mode on again after a /C. If no switches
are used /P is assumed.
For example.
This command will remove A.ASM from the print queue and add all files
on drive A with the extension C.
Comments: This is information about the possible configuration options
available for the PRINT command.
/D:device to specify the print device, if PRN is not to be used.
IMPORTANT: If must be the first parameter if used.
/B:buffsize specifies the size of the internal buffer. The default value is
512 bytes. Increasing the value of B may enhance the performance
of the PRINT command.
/U:busytick specifies the number of clock ticks that PRINT waits until the
print device is available. The default is 1. If PRINT waits longer
than busytick it gives up its time slice.
/M:maxtick to specify how many clock ticks PRINT can have to print characters
on the print device. The default is 2 in a possible range of 1 to 255.
/S:timeslice to specify the time-slice value. The default is 8 in a possible
range from 1 to 255.
/Q:quesiz to specify how many print files you can have in the queue. The default
is 10 in a possible range from 1 to 32.
The following are examples.
This command will print all files on drive A with the extensions ASM and C.
This command will remove all the files with extensions ASM and C from the
print queue.
This command will remove A.ASM from the print queue and add all files
on drive A with the extension C.
Purpose: To change the DOS system prompt.
Syntax: PROMPT [ prompt-text ]
To specify a special prompt enter PROMPT $v where v is one of:
$ Dollar sign
t Current time.
d Current date.
p Current directory for the default drive.
v Version number.
n Default drive.
g > sign. l < sign. q = sign. b | sign.
_ CRLF sequence.
h Backspace erase.
e ASCII code 1B ie escape.
Example: see syntax prompt
The following example sets the DOS prompt to display the date and time
as follows:
Time = (current time)
Date = (current date)
A>PROMPT time = $t$_date = $d
Purpose: Recovers files from a disk that has a defective sector. You can
recover the file that contains the bad sector, minus the sector
which is then marked as bad. This command can be used to recover
a directory that has been corrupted.
Syntax: [d:][path]RECOVER [d:][path]filename[.ext] or d:
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:][path]filename[.ext] to specify the file you want to recover.
d: to recover the entire disk. ( ie. when a directory is corrupt.)
When a disk is recovered the files are named FILEXXXX.REC where
XXXX is from 0001 to 9999.
If a filespec is used only one file can be recovered and the name is
left unchanged.The size could change (but is a multiple of the alloca-
tion size) and could require editing.
Example: see syntax prompt.
The following are examples:
A>RECOVER a:myprog
This command recovers the file MYPROG from the diskette in drive A.
Purpose: Displays remarks during the execution of a batch file.
Syntax: REM [remark]
Comments: The remarks are displayed when the batch execution reaches the
REM command. If ECHO is OFF, then the remarks are not displayed.
Purpose: Changes the name of the file specified in the first parameter to
the name and extension given in the second.
Syntax: REN[AME] [d:][path]filename[.ext] filename[.ext]
Comments: You can use the abbreviated form REN for the rename command.
If you use wild cards there is a one to one correspondence between
the files specified in the first and the second specification.
If the second specification includes a drive it is ignored.
Example: A>REN b:abode home
Purpose: Selectively replaces files on the target with files of the same
name from the source. Selectively add files from the source to
the target.
Syntax: [d:]REPLACE [d:][path]filename[.ext]
Comments: Specify the parameters.
[d:][path]filename[.ext] specifies the files on the source to be
replaced on the target. Wildcard characters are allowed.
/A replaces all files not existing on the target, ie. ADD.
/P prompts you as each file is encountered.
/R replaces target files that are read-only.
/S searches all directories on the target for the files.
/W instructs REPLACE to wait for you to insert a diskette before
beginning the search for source files.
Notes: /W and /S can not be used togethor.
Hidden and system files are ignored.
Examples: see syntax prompt.
The following is an example.
A>REPLACE c:\authors.dir\ex.ple c:\ /s /p
This command replaces all copies of ex.ple on the fixed disk with the
copy in the subdirectory authors.dir.
NOTE: Hidden and system files are ignored.
Purpose: Restores one or more backup files from a backup diskette.
Syntax: [d:]RESTORE d: [d:][path]filename[.ext] [/S][/P]
NOTE: d: path or filename must be used.
Comments: Where more than one diskette has been used in a BACKUP RESTORE checks
the order of the diskettes.
Specify the parameters:
[d:] to specify the drive that contains the BACKUP files (source).
[d:][path]filename[.ext] to specify where to restore them to, and
which files from the source disk you want.
/S Restores the subdirectories of the specified directory.
If this switch is not used only the specified directory is used.
/P Issues a prompt before restoring read-only files or files that have
been modified since the last backup.
Example: see syntax prompt.
Note: The files must have been placed on the diskette with BACKUP.
Purpose: Removes a subdirectory from the specified disk.
Syntax: RMDIR [d:]path or RD [d:]path
Comments: You can not remove a directory containing hidden files.
This command can only be used on an empty directory, see DEL.
The root directory or a parent directory cannot be removed.
Example: A>RD b:\level1\level2
This removes the entry level2 from the directory level1
Purpose: Installs DOS on a new disk with the keyboard layout, date and time
format that you select.
CAUTION ** FORMAT is used so all data on target media is lost.
Syntax: [d:]SELECT [[A:|B:]D:[path]]xxx yy
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[A:|B:] specifies the source drive. A is default.
[D:[path]] specifies the target path. B is default.
xxx specifies the country code. eg 044 for United Kingdom.(Telephone)
yy specifies the keyboard code. eg UK for United Kingdom.
Examples: see syntax prompt
The following is an example.
A>SELECT a: b:\044 uk
This command creates a DOS diskette in drive B and finds the DOS files
on a diskette in drive A. The codes are for the UK.
Suggestion: read the DOS manual carefully before using this command.
Purpose: This command sets one string value equal to another in the
command processor environment.
Syntax: SET [string1 = [string2]]
Comments: If no parameters are given the string values in the command
processor's environment are listed.
If string2 is omitted string1 is removed from the list.
SET can be used in batch files to define replaceable parameters with
names instead of numbers.
Purpose: Loads support for file sharing and diskette change protection.
Syntax: [d:][path]SHARE [/F:filespace][/L:locks]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
/F:fileshare allocates file space in bytes for the area used to record
the information necessary for file sharing.Each open file requires the
length of the full name plus 11 bytes. The default is 2K bytes.
/L:lock allocates space for the number of locks you want. The default
is 20 locks.
If SHARE is loaded all read or write requests are validated against
the file sharing code.
If you try and install SHARE once it is installed DOS will remind you.
Examples: A>share
This loads file sharing support.
Purpose: Allows you to specify the name and location of a top-level
command processor other than COMMAND.COM that is used to
load the system.
Syntax: SHELL = [d:][path]filename[.ext] [param1][param2]
Comments: System programmers who develop their own top-level command processor
should remember to include provisions for handling interrupts 22H,23H
and 24H, and for reading and executing commands.
Purpose: Allows command lines to make use of more than 10 (%0 through %9)
replaceable parameters.
Syntax: SHIFT
Comments: Replaceable parameters are numbered %0 through %9.
Purpose: To read data ( from the standard input device ), sort it,
and then write it to the standard output device.
Syntax: [d:]SORT [/R][/+ n]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
/R Reverses the sort as in reverse alphabetical.
/+n Sorts columns beginning with column n. Column 1 is default.
Notes: Characters are sorted on their binary values with the exceptions:
* Lowercase letters are converted to uppercase.
* Some characters above 127 are special see manual.
Example: A>DIR | SORT /+14 ..... sort directory from column 14.
Purpose: Allows you to use a different drive specifier to refer to another
drive or path.
Syntax: [d:]SUBST d: d:path or [d:][path]SUBST d: /D or [d:][path]SUBST
Comments: Specify the parameters:
d: specifies the drive letter that you want to use to refer to
another drive or path.
d:path specifies the drive or path that you want to refer to with
a nickname. The path must start at the root.
/D deletes a substitution. You must specify the drive.
Examples: see syntax prompt.
For example.
A>SUBST g: c:\level1\level2
This command will allow you to refer to c:\level1\level2\file as
A>dir g:file instead of A>dir c:\level1\level2\file
To delete this substitution type
A>SUBST g: /d
To display the current substitutions type
Which will give G: => c:\level1\level2
Purpose: To transfer DOS system files ( IBMDOS.COM and IBMBIO.COM )
from one disk to another.
Syntax: [d:]SYS d:
Comments: Specify the parameters:
d: to specify the disk drive to which you want to transfer the
operating system files.
SYS can be used to update a diskette containing an earlier version
of DOS.
Notes: * COMMAND.COM is not transferred by this command.
* FORMAT using /S has the same effect.
* Space must have been left on the diskette by FORMAT /S or
The ouput from a command will normally go to the screen but by using
> in the command the output can be redirected to a file or device.
For example
This command will redirect the directory listing to the file FILE.TST
This command will redirect the directory listing to the printer.
Purpose: Permits you to display and set the time known to the system. Whenever
you create or add to a file, the time is recorded in the directory.
You can change the time from the console or from a batch file.
Syntax: TIME [hh:mm[:ss[.xx]]]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
hh to specify the hours. Type 1 or 2 numbers from 0 to 23 for
the hours.
mm to specify the minutes. Type one or two numbers from 0 to 59 for
the minutes.
ss to specify the seconds. Type one or two numbers from 0 to 59 for
the seconds.
xx to specify the hundredths of a second. Type one or two numbers from
0 to 99 for hundredths of a second.
Purpose: Displays all of the directory paths found on the specified drive,
and ( optionally ) lists all the files.
Syntax: [d:]TREE [d:][/F]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:] to specify the drive whose directory paths you want to display.
If not specified, the default drive is used.
[/F] displays the names of the files in each sub-directory.
Example: A>TREE b:/f >tree.lst
This command lists all the directory paths and their files to file
If you want to redirect the output of a command to the end of a file and
therefore leave the original data intact use >> instead of >.
For example
A>DIR >> FILE.TST will put the directory listing at the end of FILE.TST
Purpose: Displays the contents of the specified file.
Syntax: TYPE [d:][path]filename[.ext]
Comments: The data is unformatted except that the tab characters are expanded
to an 8-character boundary.
Note: Press Ctrl-Prtsc if you want the output to be printed as it is
being displayed.
Purpose: Display the DOS version number that you are working with on the
standard output device.
Syntax: VER
Comments: The DOS version number consists of a single-digit major version
number, followed by a period, followed by a two-digit minor
version number.
Example: A>VER
The result on an IBM PC would be:
IBM Personal Computer DOS Version 3.20.
Purpose: To switch the verification of data written to disk ON or OFF.
Comments: VERIFY ON remains on until it is turned off through the SET
VERIFY System Call or a VERIFY OFF command.
When ON DOS performs a verify operation following each disk
write operation.
Syntax: VOL [d:]
Purpose: Displays the disk volume label of the specified drive.
Comments: If you do not specify a drive the default drive is assumed.
Example: A>VOL
The result is:
Volume in drive A is MYDISK
The result is if no label:
Volume in drive A has no label
Purpose: To allow you to create, change or delete a disk's volume label.
Syntax: [d:]LABEL [d:][volume label]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
[d:] to specify the drive letter of the disk you want to label.
[volume label] upto 11 characters for a volume name. See the
FORMAT /V command.
Purpose: Selectively copy groups of files, which can include lower level
Syntax: [d:]XCOPY [d:][path][filename[.ext] [d:][path][filename[.ext]]
Comments: Specify the parameters:
/A Copies only the files with the archive bit set.
/D:date Copies those whose date is later than mm-dd-yy etc.
/E Creates directories even if empty.
/M Copies files with archive bit on then flips it on the source.
/P Prompts you before each copy.
/S Copies files in subdirectories as well.
/V Verify while copying.
/W Wait for a source diskette to be inserted.
Examples: see syntax prompt.
Where the source must contain d: , path or filename[.ext].
Example: the following directory structures exist.
A>XCOPY C:\ D:\ /S will produce | A>XCOPY C:\RUTH D:\ /S will produce